A Black Car
Service Company
Since 1979

We would like to thank you for allowing us to introduce All City's services to you. All City was created to combine the ambiance and professionalism of a limousine service with the cost effectiveness of a Black Car company. While our rates are competitive with other Black Car companies, we want to enumerate the salient differences in services

Welcome to All City
Corporate Transportation, Inc.

All City specializes in door-to-door transportation to and from anywhere in the tri-state area. Whether you are looking for a ride across town or to Atlantic City, you can rely on All City to provide you with a professional, courteous and safe trip. Licensed by the New York Taxi & Limousine Commission, All City has been in the ground transportation business for over 40 years. As one of the original six radio groups servicing Corporate America, All City introduced the luxury sedans to the Black Car Industry in 1982. The idea has been a resounding success and in New York City the black car industry has grown to over 18,000 vehicles.
All City has been operating as a cooperative group since 1979. Most of the drivers own shares in the company. This privilege has developed among them a strong sentiment of commitment and ultimate responsibility. Since its inception, All City has been providing transportation service to the corporate community at large and while building a comprehensive client base, its management team has developed a keen sense of customer relations. All City is the most progressive and innovative transportation company in New York. Our chauffeurs are representative of the standards we strive to maintain.

All City has been certified by the New York City
Department of Small Business Services as an
MBE (Minority-Owned Business Enterprise) since October 2015.

Our current All City client roster consists of:

  • CPA Firms
  • Educational Institutions
  • Entertainment/Media
  • Fashion Industry
  • Financial Institutions
  • Fortune 500 Companies
  • Global Travel
  • Govermental Agencies
  • Law Firms
  • Medical Industry
  • Non-Profit Organizations
  • Private Clients